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jacking it with my step daughter and her bff (with lola foxx and abby cross) - joi

Lola brings her friend Abby to you because she needs some advice. Abby s parents don t pay her tuition and Lola would be sad if Abby had to stop going to school. Since you are financially very comfortable, giving a little tuition money to Abby would not be a burden. Lola told Abby about the special time you spend with Lola and she wonders if you might be interested in the same thing with Abby. The only catch is that you have to financially support Abby. You think that this sounds brilliant, so you take the girls lead and start stroking your dick. The girls strip and you find that they seem to be wearing coordinating bras and panties. The promise of doing this repeatedly for as long as you pay for Abby s tuition is positively addictive. Lola now unsnaps Abby s bra and you see her perfect, firm tits. The girls are clearly more than just friends and that suits you perfectly. They kiss and it is all you can do to keep yourself from cumming immediately. The time is soon, though, and the gi

  • 00:08:58
  • Jan 24, 2024
  • 41


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