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masturbating with my step daughter (with linda lay) - joi

Your step daughter Linda is grateful for all that you have done for her, including putting her through college. She heard you and her step-mom fighting, but now that her step-mom left the house, she wants to talk to you. Can she possibly help you with anything? Anything at all? Don t be shy because Linda knows that her step-mother is not taking proper care of you. Linda knows how to take care of guys and she wants to show you some of what she learned while at school. She sees that you look at her all the time, but she does not mind. Can you please show her the bulge in your pants? Linda is shocked to see your big dick and even more shocked to think that her step-mom does not take advantage of it. Do you want to see Linda s tits? She lets you have a look and they are soft and perky at the same time. She can sense that you want to see more of her, so she takes off her panties. Her perfectly groomed pussy is surrounded by meaty pussy lips, but you imagine how tight her pussy must be. It i

  • 00:08:33
  • Jan 18, 2024
  • 74


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