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rubbing the right way!

Hey guys! It s me Kristina. What s been going on? Did you miss me while I was gone? Well have no fear I m back in the house and feeling just as naughty as ever ready to do my thing. I paraded around my bedroom with nothing but my undees on, caressing my body and slowly undressing myself, getting more excited with every touch. I took off my panties and grabbed my ass, spreading myself open wide, and then I squatted down and grabbed the pole of my bed thinking about all those nights at the club I spent dancing. I laid down on the floor and began playing with my pussy getting myself all hot and wet, and then I took off my bra and got up on my bed to finish what I had just started, rubbing my pussy and playing with my clit until I gave myself an orgasm.

  • 00:14:17
  • Oct 29, 2007
  • 120


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