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sexy blue-eyed blonde

Hey Guys, What s going on? I m Bridget, a sexy blue-eyed blonde from Eastern Europe I sure hope that you are ready to have some fun because I m in a very playful mood and I know from experience that playing with myself is the only thing that will help. Iâ??m really glad that you stopped by to see me because I like being watched so much, I get so excited just thinking about you watching me as I get myself off. I slowly started caressing my body rubbing my legs and then my ass. I pulled up my skirt up over my ass just to tease before taking it off and then I moved over to my sofa and lifted my top and played with my tits and my nipples. I slipped off my shoes and began caressing my legs, rubbing them up and down from ass to toe and then I laid down and played with my feet and toes, teasing myself like you wouldnâ??t believe. I slipped my hand inside my pantyhose and caressed my sexy ass and then I reached up from down below and rubbed my happy pussy. I pulled my pantyhose down just past my ass and played with my pussy in Doggy and then I laid back down and spread my legs open wide and went right back to what I was doing. I pulled my pantyhose down a bit further and continued rubbing and playing with myself before pulling them down to my ankles just so I could finish what I had started.

  • 00:16:54
  • Jul 25, 2007
  • 126


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