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jerk session with my step daughter (with lara brookes) - joi

Your step daughter Lara has a question for you. Now that she is in she wonders why guys don t seem to be asking her out. Should she stop wearing glasses? Do you think she is cute? You think that she is more than cute, but you try not to be inappropriate. She is actually hot, in your opinion. If she weren t your step daughter, you d jump her right now. Can you show her just how hot you think she is? Take your dick out and let her see it get hard. She promises not to tell anyone. You unzip your pants and take your dick out. Play with it a little bit to get it hard. You should hold it tighter and stroke it with long strokes, according to Lara. Will taking off her top help you to get that cock nice and hard? She also removes her bra and you gaze upon her milky white titties. They are all-natural and you would love to hold those titties in your hands. Lara already feels better about herself now that she sees the effect her body is having on your dick. Emboldened by this new-found i

  • 00:07:43
  • Jan 08, 2024
  • 174


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