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striped sock fetish with kayla carrera - joi

Kayla is aware of your sock fetish, so she is going to tease you with her rainbow-striped socks. Her socks even have individual toes in them! She asks you to start stroking your cock slowly, paying attention to the head. Would you like Kayla to wrap her feet around your cock? The soft knit against your dick would be perfect. Each of her toes is encased in a different color and you wish you could feel her toes on your cock. If you put your head between her legs, her sock-covered legs could rub against you as you licked her pussy. When she turns around to show you her pretty ass, you see her back is covered with a big tattoo! Kayla encourages you to keep stroking your dick as you look at those long legs in very colorful socks. Her hands rub against her socks, up and down her legs and you can hear the texture. You think about your dick exploding on her socks and you stroke faster now. Kayla wants your biggest load and you do not want to disappoint her. The time has come and Kayla coaxes a

  • 00:08:01
  • Jan 23, 2024
  • 115


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