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raunchy russian babe katrin tequila comforted by sapphic session after fight with bf gp1742

Yummy strumpet Katrin Tequila was just kicked out of her boyfriend s room after they had a fight, and she seeks solace from her best friend, Loren Strawberry. The sexual tension has been building between them for years, the wine starts flowing, and then Loren comforts her in the best way she knows: by teaching her the ways of Sappho. The two exquisite dames embark on an wild odyssey of lesbian abandon: plenty of carpetmunching, scissoring, and finally, Loren dons a strap-on and fucks the hell out of Katrin doggystyle and in reverse cowgirl, and even makes Katrin suck her off. These girls can t get enough of each other s bodies, and you also won t want to miss a moment of their forbidden lusts.

  • 00:52:58
  • Mar 02, 2021
  • 1531


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