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premature ejaculation coaching with ginger kassondra raine - joi

The last time you and Kassondra had sex, you came too quickly and she had to take care of herself. It is not fair to her, but she wants to help you. Do as she tells you and unzip your pants. Take out your cock and get that cock nice and hard. You would do anything this sexy redhead asked of you. She asks you to spit on your hand and rub it on the head of your cock. Yes, get it nice and wet. If you feel like you are going to cum, stop stroking and squeeze the head of your cock tightly. You cannot cum until Kassondra says so. She ups the ante and removes her bra to show off those perky titties. As she guides you through your jerk off session, you feel like the tips she gives you will help you to last longer the next time you fuck her - and that is the whole point. You want to be able to last long enough to make your girl cum. Right now, she has control of your orgasm, so just do as you are told.

  • 00:08:52
  • Jan 15, 2024
  • 106


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