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bound, flogged, and fucked!

Tied to a chair in a darkened room the Captive of the Keeper struggles to find an escape. Wrenching free of the bonds she races through the doors and corridors searching for a way out. Her absence discovered, the Keeper is hot on her trail and she chooses an ill-advised hiding place! Trying to remain still and overcome with fear. she pisses herself. Suddenly, she is discovered and hauled away for punishment. Her worst fears are realized when the Keeper ties her to a table, whips her smooth curving posteriors, then stuffs a huge dildo into her creamy pussy. But the punishment is not over. Latter the Keeper hangs her by the wrists, impales her on a shaft and flogs her breasts. Gagged and hang with the shaft pushing deep into her, she is left to sob in despair.

  • 00:19:29
  • May 01, 2007
  • 228


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