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exploring her juicy shaven haven!

Hi there, I m the new girl Greta! I hope you enjoy my first visit, hopefully I ll be back again soon! I felt so naughty, dressed up like a young girl and flashing my private bits. By the way, do you like my shaven haven? One of my friends shaved all her hair off and said guys really dug it, so now I did it too! Anyway, I was a bit shy, but the camera guy made me relax and was really sweet. Without knowing it I took all my clothes off and soon had a couple of fingers buried in my pussy!!! I got so horny, after the shoot I went home and masturbated three times in a row! ;-) Anyway, like I said, I hope to be back soon; if you ll have me?

  • 00:15:51
  • May 09, 2006
  • 160


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