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fire in the hole!!

What s happening, Monster Cock cravers? Today, we have a good one for you to enjoy. We have the bodacious Andy Sandimas joining Charlie Mac for a good old western gun battle. Don t get scared my friends, it s only nerf bullets! Anyway, Andy puts up a good fight, shooting Charlie with everything that she has and making him run for cover. After realizing that he s losing the fight, Charlie has no choice but to pull out the big gun. Yes! The Monster Cock! He runs out with his ruler sized cock hanging out, hard as a rock. He’s ready for war but Andy gives up willingly once she gets a glimpse of his new weapon. She surrenders, puts down her weapon and begins to suck his cock. They head inside to finish up what she’s started. Charlie lays her on the couch and goes to town long dicking his monstrous cock inside her, stretching that tight pussy out. Charlie got his revenge as he fucked her in many positions until his big gun blew a huge load of cum in her pretty lil mouth. Andy might have won the battle, but Charlie won the war. Enjoy!

  • 00:50:15
  • Oct 12, 2009
  • 99


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