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karina fucks anal with another man and i watch and masturbate!

I called our friend from the restaurant to return to our house, after all, he still hadn t done anal with Karina, and she spent the whole night saying that she wanted anal with this guy.
As soon as he arrived I invited him to watch TV and started showing a video of Karina showing off and masturbating! That turned the boy on immediately!
At that moment Karina leaves the room with super tight yoga shorts and walks past us towards the kitchen.
I give the guy a thumbs up and he goes after Karina, and the makeout starts in the kitchen, with Karina kissing and rubbing against him with voluptuousness! How beautiful it is to see my girlfriend do this with another man!
Karina already has his dick in her hand and turns her back and lifts her leg for him to rub his cock in her pussy, but still over her shorts. This was so exciting that I almost cum with desire!
Finally Karina starts sucking his dick, and even I get sucked!
We took Karina to the kitchen table and he started to fu

  • 00:21:34
  • Nov 08, 2022
  • 115


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