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garage sex

The other day i was again lost in this little village in the middle of nowhere. I had to wait for a bus to take me back to Budapest but it was going to be a long wait, in my desperation i started to wave the cars passing by the highway. It was a pleasant surprise when this two girls made a stop and picked me up. They told me if i would mind to go with them to the garage to get their car repaired, i didn t care and there we go to the garage. When we arrived to the place we meet this gorgeous girl named Sandra , she was the daughter of the mechanic and she was there washing her car. I started to talk to her and played like i was helping her with the car wash then after some good flirting i asked if i could pay her to see her tits she was no so sure but i can be quite persistent. I soon had Sandra showing her snatch and her perky breasts. Sandra is quite the showman though as she wanders into an auto body shop and sucked my dick then it was all about the fuck..just play it.

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 11, 2013
  • 554


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