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she was too tight

Asteria Diamond had a hard day and was taking a long shower to relax. Slowly she was soaping her tits and pussy. The door moved a little. She could see a giant dick peeking into the bathroom. Quickly he jumped out of the shower and confronted her room mate Damion Dayski. It was not ok to sky on anybody without their knowledge. Unless of course they had a giant dick like this. She kneeled down to measure it. It was bigger than her head. Would it fit into her mouth? It did! Would it fit into her throat? It did! Would it fit into her pussy? She wasn’t sure. Slowly she squeezed it in. Only 1/3 of it managed to go inside. Slowly they fucked. Way too slow. She climbed on top. Now she could control depth and speed. Now it was fun!!! She fucked him fast and managed to get almost the whole dick inside her little pussy. She was so tight he came way too fast.

  • 00:36:27
  • Sep 07, 2021
  • 2385


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