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the naughty elf (part 2)

Looking down at that poor helpless little elf, going absolutely bonkers staring at my perfect feet without being allowed to touch them... I couldn t help but feel sorry for having putting him through such a teasing experience. I am Mrs. Clause after all! I do have a very big heart! And I do know, without a doubt, how perfectly beautiful my feet are!

I ve lost count of how many times I ve wrapped my satin arches around Santa s big cock and pumped him to a mind blowing orgasm. The Jolly Fella LOVES my plump, soft, wrinkled soles!

So... Being the season of giving, and seeing as how Santa was far too busy to find out, I decided to give the Naughty Little Elf a reward for having sat at my dick stiffening soles for so long without touching them!

I decided to make this Christmas his BEST Christmas EVER! By letting him totally and completely devour, lick, suck and worship my feet! I even put my stockings and heels back on so he could have the indescribable p

  • 00:12:17
  • Dec 05, 2023
  • 124


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