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new missus measures up

It’s your wedding day, and your beautiful bride Blanche Bradburry is positively glowing in her nuptial finery, the veil, the dress, the beautiful lingerie, the ring. But you, unsentimental horndog that you are, you’re curious...curious to see if her blowjobs feel different and even better now that you’re bound to her for all eternity (or at least that’s how the minister made it seem with his spiel). And so you lay back in this POV video and watch how the new missus measures up...her long lashes closed as she covers her blue eyes in fellatio she grasps your root with her French manicured fingers and gives you some fine cock sucking, balls licking, and even a little titty fuck...concentrating on throating you fiercely as a fine start to a successful marriage, leading to an incredible facial cumshot that lets you know that YES, you did the best possible thing in getting hitched to sweet skilled Blanche!!

  • 00:12:11
  • Dec 03, 2013
  • 314


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