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slick in the saddle

Brandy Lee lounges around on her couch in her perky bra and panty set, but she’s in the mood to tease us and so she gives us quite a show with those big knockers of hers once they slide out of her top. Brandy keeps rolling around and showing off, and then it’s time to savor the Sybian machine which she pulls up onto the couch. She sucks the dildo sticking out of the saddle, then rubs it against her pussy through her panties. Slicking up her snatch with lube, she’s then ready for penetration and, squatting over the upthrust toy, she sets herself down for a wild and raunchy ride today. You’ll see her twat and tushie hole from all angles as she goes for the gusto on the device!

  • 00:23:44
  • Jan 29, 2009
  • 154


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