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shower striptease: czech blonde soaps and strokes

Sometimes a girl can do a softcore glamour porn video and photo shoot but it can make us fans shoot as hard and fast as the wildest no-holes-barred scene with two guys! Case in point, Deni M. here, a blue eyed blonde Czech babe who meets with us in the bathroom to get herself wet and frisky for the delight of our balls.In her teeny white top with the DDF logo, she sprays herself with the shower attachment for that wet t-shirt look, and down below, her crotch is in “barely there” turquoise thong panties that are the very definition of cameltoe. The lusty red lipstick on Deni’s gorgeous smiling and seductive mouth is a sensuous cosmetic touch that adds a lot to her solo striptease as she shows us her 34B natural tits and then peels down that panty to let us ogle her curvy ass and closely trimmed pussy. When Deni leans over in the bath tub, we get some gorgeous shots of her curvaceous figure as well as her long legs and barefeet, and then when she gets nude and soaps herself up, she looks frosted like a sex cake for the pleasures of hungry men!

  • 00:13:28
  • Sep 22, 2008
  • 184


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