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fine four feetsies

Hungarian honeys Regina Moon (the brunette) and Lora Craft are dressed for our leg and foot fetish pleasure today in their skimpy lacy pink chemises that show off their bare thighs and their feet in high heels and frilly hosiery. Regina even wears poufy marabou slippers with her ultra-girlie ankle socks. You’ll be ready to get on the floor to deliver foot worship to these dolls in their fetish XXX video! Our DDF cameras come in tight for the closeups you love, enabling you to adore these girls’ equally matched size 6.5 feet whether in their ankle socks, knee socks, or on the bare. They enjoy their bodies as they peel away the lingerie, playing with their pies and licking their tits until they get down to the main event, enjoying those feetsies. Off come the shoes for some through-the-hosiery foot worship and clam-rubbing, but then Lara’s knee socks come off so that Regina can give her some toe nibbling. The best part of the scene comes at the end when both sets of feet are naked and the girls rub their prettily pink polished toes against each other and against their legs in a great display as their limbs entwine and they rub their cunny lips with their tasty digits. Finally Regina shows off some very nice wrinkled soles when she flexes her peds at the end! Enjoy these fine four feetsies today!

  • 00:22:40
  • Apr 06, 2015
  • 228


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