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savabbah stern

When i met JT for the first time, i was pretty excited. He is a very cute guy, plus i had heard his package was quite big.. I couldn t wait to stroke his cock! So the moment came, we were both chilling, he was checking me out while i took my clothes off very slowly, i teased him a little bit, especially with my big plump ass. I have to admit, my ass is an eye catcher. After i was all naked, i went straight to his pants and started rubbing his package, which to my surprise, was bigger than expected. After a bit of a tease, i pulled it out and started making it all wet with my saliva. I tugged on it hard and slow, with twists and everything in between. I must confess, i got pretty wet too, i am one of those who gets turned on by tugging or watching someone jerk off... so as you can imagine, I ahd the time of my life.. check out the movie, maybe you will too!

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 12, 2006
  • 114


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