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poolside lesbian lovin!

There’s nothing like seeing a hot girl in a bikini, and today I invited my girlfriend from England, the sexy Sahara Knite, for some poolside fun in the sun. Sahara has an exotic Latina look about her and has a booty to go with it. And being an older woman, she’s much more experienced and knows just how to please a woman the right way, so I just couldn’t wait to get nasty with her! After tossing the big rubber ball around, we get down to oiling each other, warming up our bodies, getting each other hornier with every touch. I of course spend plenty of time on her lusciously round rump, and then go for her shaved pussy, spitting on it to make it slicker, and lick and rub away, proving myself to the experienced Sahara. We get into 69 so we can go at each other at the same time, fingering and tonguing each other’s pinks, and oh does she make me feel so good! The close-up shots of our wetness will for sure make you wet, too! And you know how I love my toys, so we bring out two dildos so nobody ever goes unpleasured. We take turns inserting them inside each other’s wet slits and masturbating with them, moaning in unison until both of our bodies our racked with explosive orgasms. My next time with Sahara can’t come soon enough!

  • 00:24:36
  • Feb 22, 2013
  • 207


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