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dr. lucia s third leg exam

Your legs are aching, so you stop by DDF Genital Hospital to have Dr. Lucia Love assess the problem. The dedicated doc takes your history and then gives you the examination of the lower extremities that is called for. Of course, don’t discount the healing presence of blue-eyed beauty in a doctor--you immediately feel better thanks to the loveliness of your physician. You can’t help yourself, and start to put the moves on the medico. But maybe this has been the master plan of Dr. Love herself? Is this perhaps her controversial “Fellatio Therapy For Anything That Ails Ye,” a procedure disdained by her colleagues in the politically correct medical establishment, but adored by her male patients?? Yes indeed, it is that very course of treatment, because soon enough she’s licking and blowing your big dick aka your “third leg,” and the curative effects are rapidly evident in this POV video full of cock sucking. In fact you’re feeling so much better on those legs of yours that you take the upper position and drain your lizard into the doc’s mouth for a facial cumshot that leaves the sensuous sawbones with a sperm goatee! No problem with your third leg, that’s for sure!

  • 00:13:23
  • Dec 10, 2013
  • 187


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