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serving his noble shaft

The Earl Nick of Lang has received reports from his retainers about the lascivious behavior of his peasants, and on his estate-wide tour to investigate, he discovers that these accounts are indeed true. The Earl is distressed, but not because he disapproves of such antics--presently to be fully detailed in a hardcore XXX video for your gentlemanly study, delectation, and ejaculation. Indeed, the Earl is piqued because his peasant girls Jessie and Alysa have not paid him proper respect by inviting him to participate in their debaucheries! He is, after all, the lord of the manor and as such is entitled to the proper tribute of their twats. But the girls cheerfully correct their error with blonde Jessie taking the Earl’s organ into her face posthaste, even as Alysa licks her pinkness. The Earl shows that decadent aristocrats such as himself continue to live up to their reputations as adventurous erotic reprobates by demonstrating with his dick that he can fornicate with these doxies both in veeg and bottom, leading to much messy spending of his fluids all over lusty mouth and gaping rosebud. He even leaves the girls a gratuity afterward, although the carelessly proffered coins are not quite as impressive to the wenches in size as that noble shaft the Earl ensconces in his breeches!

  • 00:23:04
  • Dec 20, 2013
  • 605


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