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open wide for doc

Oh, those doctors live the life! And you get to experience their lifestyle too thanks to this POV video where you’re in the healer position and fetching Kiara Lord is your patient. It seems that she sprained her legs or something, and wants you to take a look. You do your standard examination, but Kiara obviously has something else in mind because she quickly takes your cock in hand! Was her leg really injured or was this just a ruse to get to your big dick, which she continually salutes for its impressive size? You wonder if she’s been talking to any of the nurses who’ve given you head?? Or the other satisfied patients??? In any case, Kiara keeps telling you how much she loves to do cock sucking and is never too exhausted to show off her oral talents...which she does so well in this Full HD video and earns herself a gooey facial cumshot! And by the way, her ass sure looks sweet in her blue thong as she blows you!

  • 00:19:51
  • Oct 15, 2013
  • 260


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