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a candy-coated double plunge!

I’ve really been missing my hot Romanian girlfriend Lucy Belle and invited her over for a sexy lesbian reunion! We’ve been told that we look like sisters, and with her being the tanned version, the sight of our naked bodies against each other’s is a fetish dream come true! We look like candied goodies, her in her satin green lingerie, me in my bright yellow, and we lotion up each other’s bodies making us even yummier. We move from feeling with our hands to feeling with our lips, sucking one another s nipples & clits. When fingers and mouths are no longer enough, we bring out our toys, a creamy-colored vibe for Lucy and light-blue for me. We take turns working them into each other’s pretty trimmed pussies and masturbate with them side-by-side, but what we really want is a double plunge and so we bring out a pink double dong to do the job. And it definitely does its job right!

  • 00:27:44
  • Feb 07, 2013
  • 202


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