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a pussy licking treatment!

My hot blonde Hungarian girlfriend Brandy Smile has a pierced tongue that she knows how to use just right on a pussy, and my pretty little pink was really in need of some attention, so I was so happy to have her over today. Brandy is so clever with her hands though, and all she has to do is touch me and I get totally horny! If she gives me a massage, then forget it! I totally melt. When Brandy started stroking and licking my tits, I just couldn’t wait for her pussy licking treatment, and when I finally got it, I was in orgasmic heaven! Well of course, you know I love to please and I made sure to return the favor with a big dildo in her tight juicy pink box. But first, I put the toy up against my crotch and had her demonstrate her blowjob skills on it to get it nice and slick, and you certainly don’t want to miss those close-ups!

  • 00:16:53
  • Feb 14, 2013
  • 212


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