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her urgent need

Sometimes there’s such urgency in the snatch that a girl doesn’t have time to take off her you’ll witness when Nataly demonstrates the need and hunger in her core today when she tugs up her top and immediately rubs a red rubber vibrator over her nipples. The toy goes into her mouth as well, to wet and warm it for a journey into her box, which she displays pronto by pulling her blue denim miniskirt to her waist and sliding aside the colorful striped thong. Lifting up her tan legs, which look particularly enticing in white boots, Nataly stuffs the toy into her slot, easing its insertion with the help of her French-manicured fingers. But it really doesn’t go in its deepest until she kneels on the couch to cram it doggie style, making quite a nice tail for this cute Czech lass! See her bang herself from all angles in this captivating scene.

  • 00:11:13
  • Jun 12, 2009
  • 113


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