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gizmo distraction

Today Wivien is busy doing some repairs in the barn, dressed appropriately in her halter top and blue denim shorts. She looks very tasty hammering away at a board, with her tool belt at her side. Then she discovers a two-pronged purple plastic toy and gets distracted. Her work is forgotten as she immediately slides that gizmo into the front of her blouse and rubs the item between her 34DD jugs. The Hungarian hottie moves it down from her cleavage to her crotch in no time flat, looking at us with hunger in her green eyes and her pouty lips. Dropping her shorts, she makes herself comfortable on some hay, and in no time she’s got that two-headed monster in both of her naughty nooks as she reaches a powerful climax. Let’s just hope her moans don t scare the pigs or chickens!!

  • 00:22:10
  • Apr 11, 2009
  • 287


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