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juices of arousal!

Sometimes it’s good to get right to down to business. “No muss, no fuss,” as they used to say in a famous American tv commercial in the 1960s. And that’s what Bambi does in her scene on today--appears for us already naked on a bed and ready to do her thing in front of our admiring eyes. No muss, no fuss! She parts her shaven pussy and caresses it, then turns over on her side to show us her wondrous derriere with its captivating cornhole. Bambi’s bottom really looks so tasty, and she spreads her cheeks as she looks over her shoulder at us. Moving around on the beige satin sheets, she fingers herself and also thrusts her pretty size 7.5 feet in our direction. (Those peds, by the way, have been highly praised by members of our sister site,, so if you love toes and soles too, check ‘em out!) All this exhibitionism gets Bambi very hot, and when she parts her pie again, it is positively glistening with juices of arousal. Our DDF cameras move in close to show it all in bright, lickable detail!

  • 00:13:17
  • Sep 14, 2011
  • 149


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