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nestling with her toy

Anita Pearl looks lovely in her lacy chemise and the delicate lingerie underneath. The green-eyed Hungarian beauty can’t wait to get down to the mischief, however, and today she quickly tugs aside the scanties so that she can begin playing with her large Duo Balls. She sucks and then stuffs them into her slot, where they nestle warmly and throb once she turns on the remote control in her hand. The nimble gal tugs the balls in and out of her pie, turning around and getting on her knees on the couch to play with herself in the doggie position. Can you imagine what a fantastic souvenir those balls would be for the avid Anita collector?? The aroma of her sweet core must permeate them after she finally has her orgasm in front of our cameras.

  • 00:23:00
  • Mar 14, 2009
  • 195


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