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pink on pink massages!

After a hard day s work, I was in need of a really good massage, but not just any massage! I needed a special full body lesbian action massage to get in deep inside every nook and cranny to release all my pent up tensions.So who would be the perfect masseuse for the job but the Hungarian hottie Lora Craft?! She not only has the most skilled hands, but she also knows how to massage with her mouth and feet like nobody else!Lora first gets me worked up by kneading my feet, and that alone gets me so juicy and horny! She checks out my flexibility and wetness by bringing my toes to my crotch to rub my pussy.And then it s on to some hot girl on girl sexcapades with some kinky leg fetish action as we lick each other s pinks and toes, stick our feet in each other s slits, and do some foot 69, getting us both off with a double happy ending. Now that s what I call a massage!

  • 00:17:41
  • Jun 17, 2008
  • 151


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