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asian fashion accent

Mia from the Czech Republic looks extra-glamorous in her satin Chinese cheongsam dress as she greets today. On her bare feet she wears pretty flip-flops as well. Laying on a bed, she reveals that she has no lingerie underneath, and that makes things even more convenient as she proceeds to peel down the red frock and display her 34B-24-36 figure for our approval, study, and spurting. Tugging herself open, she reveals the pink treasures we all crave, sliding her French-manicured fingers into her slot; and once completely disrobed, shows her remarkable flexibility as she lifts herself up on her feet and pushes her thighs toward the camera in this delectable showcase of her face, her peach, her soles, and her derriere captured in nude pics and erotic video.

  • 00:17:25
  • Jun 23, 2012
  • 110


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