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their big cock adventure!

Neeo stumbles onto sultry brunette Juliana Grandi and slender blonde Alin X as they’re enjoying a little lesbian encounter on a sofa, but he deflects them from their sapphic clinch with the appearance of his massive hard dick. The ladies immediately switch course, with Juliana taking the shaft into her mouth while Alin laps his nuts. He gets the girls kneeling on the floor in front of him, moving his dick back and forth between their faces, giving them both plenty of opportunity to suck his long inches and lick his tight balls. Alin lays back on the sofa and he powers his prick downward into her face while Juliana runs her tongue along his sac, then when he sits back on the sofa, both gals kneel on either side of him to continue with their nonstop oral antics. They move around him from many different angles to maximize their adventure with his big cock! Both Juliana and Alin do very impressively in taking in those many millimeters of dick, but it looks like Miss Grandi might get the prize for taking the most, almost swallowing him to the balls and leaving traces of her saliva dripping down his shaved scrotum, which Alin cradles in her manicured fingertips. We even get great point-of-view shots from above which make us feel that this enormous johnson belongs to us and Juliana and Alin are kneeling at OUR feet! Finally, Neeo squirts a huge load all over Juliana’s chin and Alin’s lips. With strings of sperm hanging off, the girls lap up every last drop they can get!

  • 00:18:21
  • Jan 06, 2013
  • 440


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