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frenzy of the feet!

When you have two sexy girls in the house, you never know what kind of an adventure youll stumble into. Nick Lang thinks hes just going to have some orange juice and breakfast with buzzcut-coiffed Romanian hottie C.J. and sensuous United Kingdom stunner Jasmine, but when he interrupts their morning card game his cock immediately gets sucked by C.J. But he notes that Jasmine has a very beautiful pair of size 6.5 feet, and so he shifts his inches between her peds for some sole action. Of course, C.J. has a dandy pair of size 7.5 feet as well, which is clear from her red strappy high-heeled sandals, and soon shes joining the fray by rubbing her soles on Nicks meat--when shes not busy worshipping Jasmines feet herself! The girls rub his dick in some incredible closeups, and then C.J. returns to sucking him while Jasmine guides his rod into her pals lips. Nick bangs C.J. from behind while they stand over the table, and C.J. sucks on Jasmines feet at the same time. Theres a great im

  • 00:39:43
  • Mar 29, 2013
  • 230


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