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tasty in the tub!

Another timeless subject utilized by artists to capture for posterity the beauty of women is that of the lady in her bath. Painters have scaled the heights of greatness with this material, and to the body of this work we add the sexy body of Eufrat as the Czech brunette takes a shower while joyfully displaying for us her splendid form. Youll view her round, firm bottom...her perky dark-nipped titties...her strong toned legs as she perches on her tiptoes...and then, when she leans back on the tub, youll explore the glories of her cunny, first as she presents it like a moist, plump peach, and then as she tugs it apart to reveal its inner wetness. Eufrat then stuffs a ribbed glass dildo into her asshole, barely batting an eyelash at the profound penetration of the toy deep into her rectum. She stands over us with the plug sticking out between her cheeks, and then she takes it out, shows us her bright pink anus, and licks her dildo clean. But will she ever remember to turn the water on??

  • 00:16:41
  • Apr 20, 2008
  • 210


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