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loving her dildo!

Anita Pearl is here in her skimpy black bikini and shiny black stiletto thigh high boots, as she perches herself on a silver table and goes to town on a glass ribbed dildo. Youd think this lithe Hungarian could see a man attached to it, judging by the passion and heat she brings to her oral and vaginal delight with the toy! She bends over and sucks it deep, then leans back and rubs it across her nipples, which harden at its smooth sensuality. Pulling aside her black panty crotch as our DDF cameras come in tight, Anita stuffs the dildo into her smooth, slick pussy, screwing herself with the proxy dick. Then, after hearing the squish of her juices as she bangs herself, she lifts the toy to her mouth to lick off the sauce of her slit! Anita also fucks herself from behind, and our lenses shoot up to capture the awesome sight of her looming over us with her eyes closed in as the toy propels her closer to climax. Finally she finishes herself by spreading those long legs wide and squatting o

  • 00:21:11
  • Jun 11, 2008
  • 202


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