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vixen and her veggies

It’s always been said that carrots are good for you, and Brigitte Hunter aka Britney takes this advice right into the core of her being as this taut and tan Hungarian vixen relaxes on a bed with this valuable vegetable in its conveniently phallic form. Brigitte’s box is shaved smooth and that makes the passage of the orange cylinder all the more stark as she crams it into her dark brown cunny lips and then lets it protrude like a primeval tail out of her crotch. But Miss Hunter’s personal journey with this carrot continues as she slides it between her cleavage before graduating to an even more ambitiously large zucchini. No male shaft has encountered more shifts of sexual position from a frisky lass than these two fortunate veggies! Check out this scene and you’ll understand what we mean.

  • 00:26:28
  • Apr 01, 2008
  • 139


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