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sucking cock is her hobby!

Kathia was the ripe young age of 23 when she came in for a blowjob casting. The ridiculously naturally sexy green-eyed blonde comes in wearing comfy T-shirt and jeans and takes them off revealing some really hot tattoos that belie the nasty girl lucking inside. This Czech babe has a real love of sucking cock, and she flits with the cameraman before she gets what she really wants. She gets to slurping and jerking him before she licks and sucks his balls clean, then it is back to the dick for some hardcore deepthroating and face fucking. Katia has definitely done this before and has perfected the art of sucking up to the trouser snake. You will feel like she’s practicing her skills on you as she looks up at the camera teasingly in this POV style set. She tells us sex is her favorite hobby and you can definitely see that’s true if you review her repertoire on Euro Girls On Girls, House of Taboo, Only Blow Job, DDF Beauties, 1By-Day, Hands On Hardcore, Hot Legs And Feet, and Eve Angel.

  • 00:07:46
  • Nov 08, 2011
  • 220


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