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a fave in action

Sylvia Laurent is another fave here at our site, truly one of the Best of our 1By-Day roster, and today we present you with this Hungarian minx in a turquoise top, black satin miniskirt, and black strappy heels, looking ready for nightclubbing but instead sitting down on a chair and spreading her thighs to show off her pussy to you. Deep into her clam go her fingers with their crimson nail polish, as she roots around in her core for the moisture you know is building there. Our DDF cameras come in tight to capture the pink, and then Sylvia brings out a big vibrator to take the place of her digits in her ditch. She takes off her top to play with her titties, then goes doggie style on the couch, stuffs fingers into her fanny, and bangs her box some more with the vibe. Then this hot babe shows you the result in closeup at the end of her nude pics: a damp warm veeg ready to be licked and cleaned of its orgasmic wetness! Any volunteers?

  • 00:13:56
  • Nov 02, 2008
  • 158


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