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beauty in the tub

That fetching Hungarian Caroline greets us today, wearing a hot pink bikini and getting ready to take a bath in an old-fashioned tub. We can see her 34B-25-37 body delightfully in her skimpy suit, which is a sexy tease in itself, but of course she takes off the swimsuit so we can enjoy the sight of her naked nipples and shaved peach. Caroline gets in the tub and washes herself, ladling water over her body. Look how she gleams from the wetness! The hot babe is in a saucy mood in her nude pics, sharing her pussy and butt with us before she finally towels off. Then she stretches out on the bench and even sticks her pretty feet at us as she relaxes.

  • 00:15:53
  • Dec 21, 2008
  • 128


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