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rescue my pussy

Hi baby, Kyla Fox here. I really need to get fucked. Can’t you tell, looking at these erotic videos and nude pics? Clothes are such a drag, I need to get out of them quick so you can see what a hot babe I am underneath. Sure, the dress and shoes and lingerie are sweet. But we both need to get rid of them. Here, down to my thong, you can really see my ass. Just imagine plunging your big dick into it after I give it some cock sucking with my sexy Czech mouth. Or maybe you’d like to spank my behind? Put me over your knee? I’d like that, and THEN you could fuck my butt and shaved pussy hole. You like the way I squat my cheeks down? I wish your face were underneath, darling, and then I’d grind my pussy and asshole on your mouth and stroke your cock and... Well, I’m sure you can figure out the rest! OMG, somebody rescue my pussy and give it the tool it craves!

  • 00:16:20
  • Nov 30, 2008
  • 123


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