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come play with monique!

Monique is one of our newest models and she s just as hot and naughty as can be, seductively staring you down with her dark brown bedroom eyes, inviting you to cum inside and watch her play. She stands in the doorway of her bedroom and starts caressing her dark tanned body from head to toe, rubbing her nylon covered legs from top to bottom as she makes her way down to the floor. She pulls down her bra exposing her breast and starts playing with them and her chocolate nips, and then she gets into doggy with her ass raised up high and slowly pulls her panties down. She rubs her pussy nice and slow and fingers her horny clit, teasing herself every step of the way being just as naughty as she could be. She goes over and lays down on her bed spreading her legs open nasty wide, rubbing her pussy and playing with her tits giving herself the most fulfilling orgasm.

  • 00:11:46
  • Nov 03, 2007
  • 76


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