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your luckiest night

Just imagine if you went to a sizzling hot club and saw blonde Jasmine Rouge from Romania and auburn-tressed Maya from the Russian Federation on the stage. They’re two of the hottest strippers you’ve ever seen, AND they have the most amazing feet in their backless fuck-me high heels! Imagine further that it’s your most lucky night and they decide to take you home to give you the foot fetish show of a lifetime! Yes, that’s what it’s like today when these two stunners grope each other on a couch, sucking on their heels and toes, playing with vibrators and licking pussy and ass. Picture yourself sitting off to the side naked with your cock in hand and enjoying the view, especially of Maya’s red-polished size 6.5 beauties in the open-toe fronts of her dramatic black patent platforms. You’ll be sorely tempted to jump into the situation yourself and start slurping on Maya’s tootsies just as Jasmine does with her lusty tongue, or sucking Jasmine’s own size 6.5 digits as she tweaks Maya’s nips. It’s a foot worship feast you’ll love to stroke and spray to!

  • 00:23:13
  • Aug 03, 2008
  • 194


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