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doing the taboo!

My name is Lucy and this is my first time here. I should probably start by telling you a little something about myself. I’m one of those sexy European girls that you’re always reading about. I have a killer body with nice suckable breast and I have big round nipples that are easily aroused, not to mention my tight and sexy round ass. I like to keep a small strip of hair on my pussy because I really like the feeling of both being shaved and not. Not everybody knows it but there’s nothing I like more than touching and playing with myself. I work at a book store during the day but it’s nothing like you would think. The shop I work at is very different than most specializing in Ancient Erotic scripts. I’m sure you know that back in the old days it was considered taboo for women to masturbate or even touch themselves. Reading and thinking about those times all day long always gets me so horny and wet. I usually rush straight home after work to play imagining that I was back in time touching myself and doing all those naughty and forbidden things that woman weren’t allowed to do back in those days. I just got home now from a long day at work. Do you want to cum watch me play?

  • 00:14:07
  • Oct 06, 2007
  • 99


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