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her wild whims!

Lulu is all dolled up for her lover Ruka Stone, wearing some elaborate sheer black lingerie and a fire engine red bustier...and incredible red ankle strap heels on her size 6 Hungarian feet! Soon she’s sucking his cock, he’s kissing her pussy and toes, and she jacks his meat with her nylon-sheathed soles. But what makes this scene especially interesting and kinky is how our DDF cameras often give views of her feet in the foreground, while she makes whoopie with her stud in the background. It’s almost as if the lens is putting us in the position of the foot slave/cuckold who gets to worship his mistress’s peds while she enjoys more vanilla sex with a big cocked and tattooed bull. Ruka crams her asshole with his dick, and her pussy with her stockings, and she looks right at us as if commanding us to grovel in total submission to her wild perverted whims! And look at the mess Ruka’s meat makes all over her feet in the footjob climax!

  • 00:23:17
  • May 10, 2013
  • 299


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