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their horny girl toes

Imagine if Krystal Kassey and Zuzana Z. were your neighbors, and you could hear them having foot sex late every afternoon when you came home from work! See it through this erotic video and nude pics bringing you these two hot babes in a whirl of foot worship and toe sucking. Picture yourself hearing their moans and their bodies move as they lap at their panty crotches before shifting focus to their size 7.5 feet, toes tasty with bright red polish as captured in their foot fetish XXX video! You’d wonder if they knew about your eavesdropping on their kinky clinches...if they knew your cock gets hard as they slurp at their toes both in and out of their strappy heels! Visualize their feet pressed against the bedspread, their toes and soles on their tongues, and then dildos coming into play in both pussy and ass to quench the climaxes that build in their bodies after these lesbian fetish explosions! And then picture them calling out to you through the wall of their apartment, begging you to come into their room to fuck their holes as soon as they remove the dildos, and to cream their feet when they finally pull away their lips from their horny girl toes!!

  • 00:25:52
  • Dec 28, 2014
  • 268


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