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santa s weak spots!

As the big night draws ever closer, my husband always get’s more and more wrapped up in his work! Sometimes he get’s so obsessed with it, that even placing him in the deep, enchanting wrinkles of my sweet buttery soles, isn’t quite enough to peel his mind away from the shop!

It’s usually around the 15th of December when his sleepless nights begin. He’ll lie there at night, going over and over a mile long check list in his head. From toy checks, to the reindeer’s health, all the way to sleigh maintenance, it’s an endless cycle of a busy body mind that keeps him up all night.

Obviously, this just won’t do! An exhausted, run down Santa, isn’t a happy Santa, and an unhappy Santa is not what the world needs right now!

Which is exactly why I added a special ingredient to the eggnog that he’s currently drinking! Why would I do such a thing to Santa?? Because babe, Santa needs some very “firm” assistance in chilling the F out right now, and I’m about to pro

  • 00:17:32
  • Dec 03, 2023
  • 164


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