Yeah Yeah Yeah...i know you guys all heard me say how i would never do it with a black guy and hear i am doin it with my second one since ive said that...I think ive also allready explained to a lot of you (since so many of you sent me concerning emails after hearin me say that) that im not racist and its not that i have anything against blacks it was more a fear of all the rumors ive heard about them having huge penisis so after getting past the first one a while back and seeing ow he wasnt all that big i figured i could hook up with another one.. this guy my camera man hooked me up with he told me not too worry that he wasnt that big and not too worry however thats not what i hard from some of my friends who had been with him...i also heard some other disgusting rumors about him that id rather not say...but anyway my cameraman assured me i had nothing to worry about and unfortunatly for me i believed him...what a liar this guy had the biggest dick i ever seen!!! i mean wa