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overflowing richness

Here is a pair of pulchritudinous pretties from the Czech Republic in an scene of big breast sex who will dazzle you with the depth of their bra cups! We’re talking about blonde Carol and her 34Fs and carrot-topped Ashley Robins and her 34DDs. The ladies savor a full menu of their bodily delights, from their sweet slices of girl pie to the overflowing richness of their racks. Extracting their knobs from their boulder-holders, our heroines suck and service each other’s nipples, hefting the bells in their hands with loving tenderness that quickly transforms into lascivious enjoyment. Our DDF cameras come in tight to capture, for example, the beautiful spillage of Carol’s cans over the underwire of her black bra. Soon the dames take out long bullet style vibrators to satisfy their cascading levels of arousal. They titty fuck the vibes and then cram them into their slots. But Carol, always so adventurous, takes one toy in each compartment of her crotch for some anal satisfaction too. Both these breast goddesses are eminently worship-worthy, so check out their activities today!

  • 00:25:19
  • Jul 29, 2006
  • 944


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