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toys and titties: milf s pounce, bounce, and probe

Dorothy Black and Caroline Cage are two hot Hungarians caught cuddling in the sheets on today s Euro Girls on Girls and you don t want to miss their rousing good time as they play with their toys, and their tatas. Speaking of tatas, these two have got two racks worth noting. Caroline s amazing set of 36B s and Dorothy s unmistakable 34D s get a ton of bumping action in this lesbian porn video, and their sweet slits aren t left out of the fun either when the MILF s get up to some hot pussy eating activity that will have you cryin out "ohhh Mama"!These two mature beauties are dressed to thrill in their matching black corsets and crawling towards each other on all fours on the bed, they are like cougars, ready to pounce!Mixed in with lustful French kissing, the big titty babes prep their well-trimmed quims with fingering and licking, preparing their shaved pussies ready for the sticking that is to follow. Don t miss it as the beauties bust out their matching pink sabers to titillate their slits and tits, bringing them both to a roaring orgasm!

  • 00:20:41
  • Dec 25, 2008
  • 186


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